Lawyers represent individuals and businesses in a number of capacities, from personal and professional, to advisor and advocate. These well-educated individuals are among the longest working in terms of hours worked; a typical 40-hour workweek is usually anything but. Preparing for depositions, trials and meetings can often lead to late nights and some weekend work as well. While many lawyers are able to secure personal assistance for outside errands, banking may not always be one of them.
Juice Banking is an innovative way for bustling lawyers to have a handle on their personal banking, especially lawyers who own and manage their own firm and employ others. This payroll debit card solution isn’t just convenient; it will help eliminate costly payroll fees by allowing law firms to pay their 1099 contracted workers automatically, reducing the need for expensive paper checks and the time associated with writing and distributing those checks.
On average, printed payroll checks can cost approximately $152 per employee, per year, every year. This employee paycheck solution is incredibly easy to implement. Using proprietary technology, your employee’s paycheck is automatically deposited onto their Juice Payout Cards. And the best part is that the funds are readily available, which means less time away from a case at hand to make a trip to the bank. Juice Payout Cards for 1099 workers are also a superb way to track business expenses like meals with clients.
Promoting one’s law firm is always an ongoing marketing strategy, and Juice Banking takes care of that necessary business aspect too. Juice Payout Cards are the branded pre-paid debit cards that are versatile and incredibly useful. The name and logo of your law firm can be the face of your Juice Payout Cards, building an extra layer of marketing right into your payroll.
Busy lawyers can pay personal bills using their Juice Payout Cards and ATM cash withdrawals can be made from them as well. Juice Payout Cards can be used at any of the 35 million locations worldwide that accept Mastercard®.
Pre-paid, branded and customizable debit cards for today’s busy lawyers are an easy way to promote your brand, manage precious time and provide instant satisfaction for everyone in your law firm! Visit Juice For Business today to get started. You can always learn more by contacting us.
Juice Banking is backed by Praxell, the company with 16 years of experience in prepaid card and payment technology. Praxell has the expertise to ensure that your funds — and your employees’ funds — are safe and secure.
*PayOut Cards are a general-purpose reloadable prepaid card, presented as an option for employee enrollment. * Print cost per check based on data from